The University community helped to shape the overarching principles, 3 lenses and 26 strategies that comprise the Master Plan. With completion of the new Master Plan, YUDC turned its attention to the property on the Keele Campus outside of the Academic Core - lands along the south side of Steeles Avenue, west of Keele Street, and south of The Pond Road - the Lands for Learning.
The City of Toronto established an overall framework for future development in this area through a Secondary Plan approved in 2009. The Secondary Plan envisions the development of vibrant, mixed-use neighbourhoods surrounding York University’s Academic Core, where up to 25,000 new residents and 21,000 jobs could be accommodated. The impetus for the creation of these new neighbourhoods is the subway extension with three new stations servicing the area, two on campus and one at Keele and Finch.
In collaboration with the Planning Partnership, York University Development Corporation (YUDC) is leading the planning for the future of the Lands for Learning. Consultation with the York U community is helping us shape the principles and goals to guide the detailed planning and design for the Lands for Learning. The process will address all components of the built environment - such as the buildings, pedestrian space, streets, cycling, pedestrian routes and parking - and will guide development of these lands over the next few decades.